Chemical Facial Peels – R1 200.00

By removing cellular build-up and stimulating skin regeneration, our customised facial peel offers measurable results in the improvement of wrinkles and fine lines, sun damage, pigmentation, pore size, acne and oil production. Medi-aesthetic skin Facial peel is especially beneficial in the treatment of hyperpigmentation, rosacea, general redness, acne, sun damage and ageing.

Facials: Micro Needling – R1 000.00

Facials like Micro-needling is your go-to treatment for instantly firmer, smoother skin! Known for its incredible ability to stimulate the growth of collagen and elastin, micro-needling delivers real results in overall skin rejuvenation.

Dermaplaning – R750.00

Dermaplaning is a skin treatment that uses an exfoliating blade to skim dead skin cells and hair from your face. It’s also called microplanning or blading. Dermaplaning aims to make your skin’s surface smooth, youthful, and radiant.